Worrybot by Simon Packham display packs
UCLan is offering display packs to libraries and schools for Worrybot by Simon Packham. Packs include posters, postcards and digital materials including teaching resources.
In Simon Packham's Worrybot, Josh has built a Worrybot of his own, a home-made cardboard robot to eat up his worst fears. He writes his worries on a piece of paper, posts them into Worrybot's mouth and finds it helps his problems feel a little bit smaller.
UCLan Publishing are encouraging schools and libraries across the UK to do the same to help children feel a bit less anxious. Build your own Worrybot and make it part of a Worrybot library display and you could be in with a chance of winning a UCLan Publishing book set.
In return for the free materials we would like you to send some photos of your display and feedback about the resources and how you have used them.
Orders for one activity pack per library/school only please. If you are ordering for multiple libraries please send details to kathleen.ktorides@readingagency.org.uk
The publisher will be dispatching your resources. They will receive a dispatch list with your contact name and work address (which you give) for delivery. They will only deliver the pack requested and the dispatch list will then be deleted after the packs have been sent.
Place your order by 25 August.
Sold out.