DIGITAL package - Reading Well for children

Reading Well helps people to understand and manage their health and wellbeing using helpful reading available from public libraries.

Building on the successful schemes for adult and young people’s mental health, dementia and long term conditions, a new booklist to support the mental health and wellbeing of children has been developed. The titles provide children and their families and carers with information, advice and support for coping with feelings and worries, daily life and getting through a tough time.

Books have been chosen and endorsed by leading health professionals and co-produced with children and families. The booklist is targeted at children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7-11) but includes a wide range of reading levels to support less confident readers, and to encourage children to read together with their siblings and carers.

The digital package contains:

  • The booklist leaflet in PDF (printable) form
  • The interactive leaflet with checkable boxes against books
  • Delivery model with guidelines for sites to deliver Reading Well, including information about evaluation and book selection.

The Reading Agency

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