Supporting Readers in Colleges and Adult Learning Organisations

 The Reading Agency has developed a comprehensive approach to help colleges and adult learning organisations to deliver the transformative power of a high-quality reading offer. Our targeted programme offer aims to bolster literacy skills, enhance learning engagement, and support well-being, improving employability and educational progression for adult learners. Aligned with Skills England’s mission to address literacy and support regional growth and economic opportunity, our reading programmes can improve functional literacy and help learners develop skills which meet national employment needs. 


Who are we?  

We are a UK charity with a mission to empower people of all ages to read.We have a longstanding relationship with colleges and adult learning settings to deliver the proven power of reading.  

Our new college reading model provides targeted and effective support for learners at all stages of their reading journey, ensuring that individual reading needs are met with authentic tools co-produced with the learning community.  


What can we provide? 

Our programmes foster literacy and learning through reading for pleasure aligning with Skills England's objectives to elevate essential skills and support a dynamic skills system. We offer: 

  • Programme support to develop reading confidence, enrich personal skills, and support holistic learning, catering to emergent, ESOL, and confident readers. 

  • Resources for Purposeful Activity to stimulate reading for empowerment and purpose, encouraging lifelong learning within education centres. 


Costings and discounts 

Bundle up for a multi-programme discount including: 

  • 10% discount on the purchase of materials for two programmes 

  • 15% discount on the purchase of materials for three programmes  

  • 20% discount for the purchase of materials on four or more programmes 

Please get in touch with if you'd like to place an multi-programme order.

The Reading Agency

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