World Book Night and Quick Reads 2025 - Libraries

Prices from £0.00

Free promotional materials are available for organisations to promote World Book Night and Quick Reads 2025. Packs are available for public libraries only.

Please order in bulk for your authority rather than individually for your library. Please only order enough for one pack per service point.

The number of packs available is limited and ordering is not a guarantee that you will receive packs. Packs will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis however we will do our best to supply to as many libraries as possible. Libraries receiving packs will be updated by email.

Key dates

Tuesday 1 April – deadline for ordering packs

Early April – your packs will be sent out

23 April – World Book Night

Packs will contain posters and bookmarks featuring the 2025 Quick Reads booklist. Bilingual packs are available for Welsh libraries.

If you have any questions, please email

Materials are free of charge and there is no charge for P&P. However, the materials are provided with the understanding that you agree to send us pictures of the displays you make with the materials. 

For more information, visit, and please join in on social media using #WorldBookNight and tagging @worldbooknight @readingagency.


The Reading Agency

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